
Our 2,700 m² warehouse dedicated to our raw materials and products

Welcome to our vast 2,700 m² warehouse, a veritable Ali Baba’s cave for all your packaging needs. We offer a complete range of products, from envelopes to pouches and sachets, designed to ship, store and preserve efficiently.

Exceptional storage capacity Thanks to our storage capacity, we always have envelopes, pouches and bags available. Whether you’re looking for standard solutions or specific packaging to meet particular needs, you’ll find what you’re looking for with us.

A wide range of products Our core range includes e-commerce envelopes, self-adhesive document pouches, sample bags, zip pouches and food pouches. Each category offers a wide range of formats, thicknesses and qualities to meet a variety of needs. In the healthcare, food and industrial sectors, we also offer a wide choice of generic prints suitable for customers who do not require personalisation.We understand the importance of flexibility to our customers, which is why we allow you to order products by the parcel only or to mix and match different formats and ranges. Our warehousemen are experts in picking and preparing orders on demand. Is your time precious? We guarantee that orders for products in stock are prepared and dispatched within 48 hours.

Our warehouse, which underwent a 1st extension in 2018 and a 2nd in 2021, is equipped with 2 loading bays, ensuring smooth, fast logistics. In addition to finished products, we stock sufficient quantities of strategic raw materials and semi-finished products, enabling us to manufacture to order and manage stocks without the risk of supply shortages.

To find out more about our full range of standard products and bespoke packaging solutions, visit www.hanova.com. If you have any questions or specific requests, please do not hesitate to contact our sales department on 03 21 61 68 68. We’re here to provide an efficient response to your professional packaging requirements.